Category Archives: Debating & Public Speaking

Vocal Exercises for a Dynamic Voice and Magnetic You

Vocal Exercises for a Dynamic Voice and Magnetic You

(Video: Vocal Exercises for a Dynamic Voice and Magnetic You) When it comes to getting a more articulate and commanding speaking voice, there are voice training that you can perform. Your voice – is your most essential tool of the trade. It’s how you communicate and how you come across in people perceiving you…even more>>>Go To

Voice Training – How to Improve Your Voice

Voice Training – How to Improve Your Voice

(Video: Voice Training – How to Improve Your Voice) Many people’s success are attributed to multiple factors, and in certain fields, sound quality and proper use of their voice is one such factor. Broadcasters, business leaders, celebrities, clergy, politicians, and teachers deliberately make use of their voices to help inform, entertain, and persuade people. What>>>Go To

Instant Voice Training

Instant Voice Training

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Train Your Voice Instantly! In a world…where your voice totally matters – what do you do if you don’t have the sexiest voice, the most commanding voice, the most articulate voice…or are simply not happy with the voice you have? There is a myriad of reasons to why>>>Go To

How to Win Any Argument Every Time

How to Win Any Argument Every Time

(Video: How to Win Any Argument) Arguments are inevitable. They’re unpleasant and most would like to avoid them, if possible. Yet, at times argument are unavoidable but necessary and winning is the only way out. How do you handle an argument and come out a winner? 1.) Be cool, calm and collected. Don’t lose your>>>Go To

Instant Public Speaking

Instant Public Speaking

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Prepare and Deliver a Speech in 24 Hours or Less Instantly! So you have to prepare for a speech, huh? Even worse…you have to do it by tomorrow, and you haven’t even started? Ah the humanity! You have to choose your speech topic, come up with your presentation>>>Go To

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