Category Archives: Study Guides

For Students, How to Take an Exam on Reading Comprehension with Time Limit

For Students, How to Take an Exam on Reading Comprehension with Time Limit

(Video: How to Take an Exam on Reading Comprehension with Time Limit) Statistic from a reading test conducted by Staples shows that college students can read about 450 words per minute and be able to understand the idea being communicated by the text they are reading. Being able to read that much words per minute>>>Go To

Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trades

The Ultimate Learning Companion for the Modern Man/Woman Pursuing the Ways of the Timeless Renaissance “The knowledge of all things is possible” – Leonardo da Vinci AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: ADDRESS TO: The One, who has an insatiable crave for acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, or nurturing existing talents. You are here “reading>>>Go To

Instant Learning

Instant Learning

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Learn Anything Instantly! Imagine somebody is presenting you with a huge sum of information on how to do something, instructions on how to operate something, or even a lecture within a classroom. You only have mere seconds to take in and comprehend what’s being said…just one time. However,>>>Go To

Instant Study Skills

Instant Study Skills

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Study Instantly! It’s late at night. You’re staring at the vast amount of texts that you’re trying to wrap your head around for 10 different chapters you have to get though for 2 of your exams, also on top of a term-paper to write. The clock is ticking.>>>Go To

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